VIDEO 911 Mysteries Part 1 - DemolitionsIn the Wake Productions1
Std. 30 Min. 42 Sek. www.911mysteries.compress play to start
"Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies." --David
Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor
"WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really
happened on 9/11/2001." --Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University
"An outstanding contribution to understanding 9/11. Simply superb." --James
H. Fetzer, founder, Scholars for 911 Truth
90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with staggering witness testimonials.
Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside
clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict
and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?
A movie that might actually reach our complacent mainstream. No agenda. No finger-pointing.
Just the facts and the "mysteries." Look at that. Think about this. A story of people: Willie Rodriguez's
strange recollection of noises on the 34th floor. Who was up there, bumping around? Scott Forbes' similar story,
weeks before the towers fell. A story of blasting itself. Here's how shaped charges slice through steel beams
to control the way they fall.
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Tall buildings shatter in 10 seconds, steel beams buckle as if crushed by Superman. A volcano of ash
darkens the sky. Can jet fuel perform such a feat?
A 757 dives into the Pentagon, penetrating to its core. Invisible Arabs hijack airplanes, passengers
make history and untraceable phone calls. “Elementary, my dear Watson. Let’s roll.” |
NORAD’s fighter jets are everywhere but in the northeastern skies. The President
reads a story of a goat with schoolchildren. Would Dick Tracy know the proper time to scramble?
PART 3: WHO BENEFITS (to come)
Stock trades and civil rights go haywire. An empire is born as citizens enjoy the perfect Big Sleep.
Bogart did say, “All you owe the public is a good performance.” But who’s backstage?
See the website:
There is a 2nd edition of this movie with minor changes posted in 3 parts at google:
Part 1/3
Part 2/3
Part 3/3