What is
"New World Order"?
Since the 1991 Persian Gulf War, the term "New World Order" has become well-known.
There has been, however, no explanation as to what the term really means except that it implied a new spirit of cooperation
among the nations of the world in order to further the cause of peace. Peace is essentially and undoubtedly good; therefore
the New World Order is good and should be accepted categorically by all the nations of the world.
First of all the term "New World Order" was used about seventy years ago by Adolph
Hitler. He exclaimed:
"National Socialism will use its own revolution for the establishing of 'a new world order'."
Edward VIII became King of England on January 20, 1936, but after eleven months he was
bound to abdicate the throne for he married a common though an extremely beautiful woman. He became the Duke of Windsor, and
afterwards, the governor of the Bahamas in July 1940. He is on record as saying:
"Whatever happens, whatever the outcome, a New Order is going to come into the world...It
will be buttressed with police power...When peace comes this time there is going to be a New Order of social justice.”
Then it was New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller who declared about the then U.S. President
in a speech as reported by Associated Press on July 26, 1968
"he would work toward international creation of a New World Order."
During the 1976 Presidential campaign, Jimmy Carter said:
"We must replace balance of power politics with world order politics."
On February 14, 1977 Carter said in a speech:
"I want to assure you that the relations of the United States with the other countries and peoples
of the world will be guided during my own Administration by our desire to shape a World Order that is more responsive to human
aspirations. The United States will meet its obligation to help create a stable, just, and peaceful World Order."
But the man who put the New World Order in the limelight, and did more than anyone to bring about its acceptance, was President George H. Bush. In a February, 1990 fundraiser in San Francisco, Bush said:
"Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance,
a New World Order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end."
Later on in an interview, he said:
"When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World Order,
an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the United
Nations' founders."
The September 17, 1990 issue of Time magazine said that
"the Bush administration would like to make the United Nations a cornerstone of its plans
to construct a New World Order."
Jeanne Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, said that one of the purposes
for the Desert Storm operation, was to show to the world how a
"reinvigorated United Nations could serve as a global policeman in the New World Order."
Prior to the Gulf War, on January 29, 1991, Bush told the nation in his State of the
Union address:
"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a New World Order,
where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and security,
freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future."
Hence we can see a new world coming into view and prevailing according to the U.S. plans. Winston Churchill
had also promised a "world order" entailing "the principles of justice and fair play”
for protecting the weak against the strong.
“A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the
historic vision of its founders, a world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations.”
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
But all the promises made so far are yet to be fulfilled and all the definitions of the New World Order look absolutely
superficial and cursory as we proceed to go into the minute details. Like the old saying, you can't tell a book by its cover,
there is more here than meets the eye. Though one could visit 20 websites and read 30 books, still the entire picture would
remain beyond grasp. This is because the concept is ancient and there is a philosophy rooted in the New World Order. If one
fails to take into account the occult nature of the New World Order, one would be remiss.
The founders of New World Order are assumed to be the guardians of the occult mysteries which resemble the ancient mysteries
of Egypt. They are to re-instate their mystery plan in the same fashion as the magical mystery religion of Ancient Egypt exercised
a great fascination over Renaissance man when symbols and gestures had become a means of conveying “secrets”
and "truths". The cosmos was seen as an organic unity. It was peopled by a 'hierarchy
of spirits' which exercised all kinds of influences and sympathies. The practice of magic became a holy quest. Back
in 1927, Freemason W.L. Wilmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age
as the fulfillment of the "Plan". In The Meaning of Masonry,
p.4, he writes:
In this new Aquarian age, when many individuals and groups are working in various ways for the
eventual restoration of the mysteries, an increasing number of aspirants are beginning to recognize that Freemasonry may well
be the vehicle for this achievement.
Another passage from the same book, on page 46-47, proves that the teaching of Freemasonry is the same as New Age beliefs:
"He begins his Masonic career as the natural man; he ends it by becoming through its discipline,
a regenerated man... This is the evolution of man into superman."
This superman could be like Nietzsche’s.
In the 'Spirit of Masonry' Foster Bailey states that Masonry
"is the descendant of, or is founded upon, a divinely imparted religion..."
This religion he explains
"was the first United World Religion. Then came the era of separation of many religions and sectarianism.
Today we are working again towards a World Universal Religion."
*Virtually all Masons are unaware of whatever they do and do not even understand or care about the real
meanings of many of their traditions & rituals. Anyhow, the purpose of the ancient Mysteries and the real purpose of modern
Masonry are the same. They highlight the social, cultural, educational and charitable objectives but their main target is
to expedite the perfection of their own standing or status, and transform it into a sublime and god-like elevation.
European mysticism was not dormant at the time the United States of America was founded. The hand of the mysteries controlled
in the establishment of the new government; the signature of the mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United
States of America. Careful analysis of the seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols, chiefly among them, the so-called
American eagle. The American eagle upon the Great Seal is but a "conventionalized phoenix..." Once
the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said:
"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes."
The New World Order cannot happen over night, just as Rome wasn't built in a day. This has been a plan in motion for centuries.
To accomplish this goal, the globalists must remove the guns from the hands of private owners, remove the present currency
and replace it with credit, and coordinate their intelligence databases throughout the world. And most important of all, they
must get us to fall for it. If it is imposed on us too fast or too harshly and vigorously, the people will be obliged to stop
financing it and wake up to the tyranny. The year 2000 was at one time their goal year for accomplishment, however, too many
people are becoming aware that something serious is secretly going on in this world. At the same time, there is a struggle
going on as to HOW to unite the global currencies, trade boundaries, and Nation States. The New World Order is made up of
many NEW players who weren't raised the same as the older generations of Rockefellers, Harrimans, Vanderbuilts, or Pierponts.
The Bill Gates, Ted Turners and Michael Eisners of the world are a whole new breed of scum.
It is interesting to note that the ancient plan of secret societies was also supposed to dub "The Global
Regime of Economic Interdependence". Those who follow the line today are called Globalists. There exists in the world today,
a secret power behind the scenes to control almost all the governments of the world. The New World Order is made up of many
elements of control. Mind control, NAFTA, gun control, The United Nations, FEMA, IMF, The World Bank, The Pentagon, concentration
camps, underground bases and tunnels, secret societies, weather control and so on and on and on. The New World Order is nothing
but complete and absolute control over everything; trade, banking, stock markets, oil, energy, technology, cyber world, nuclear
capability, etc., etc.
There is Hegelian Philosophy at the core. First, they create a problem, then they come forward to provide
stability, order and peace First they have their thesis, then they have their anti-thesis. The U.N. solution is provided,
first, in the form of peacekeeping operations but when U.N. troops are found committing rape, torture and crimes of a similar
nature, then this force is gradually turned into a Global Police Force. There is a "hidden variable" in "Order". That is the
beginning of "dis-Order". They want the general public to overlook "dis-Order" just because it leads to eventual unraveling
of the truth. The "Hidden Variable" can be sought by looking at an "agenda", and then examining the results. Conspiracy and
threatening will also follow the most horrible events and disasters like exploding buildings, killing people. The Masonic
Motto used to describe it as "Ordo Ab Chao", i.e., order out of chaos.
The idea started as a plan to unite the different sectors of society, secretly, behind the scenes. This was done first
through Nation States, then through Corporations and Trusts, and through Intelligence Agencies, but all the while it was being
orchestrated from within the Masonic Lodges, and through Great Britain. Great Britain is the junior partner of the United
States. It may also be called in our slang as "bacha jamoora". The assumption about England was
once expressed by a high advisor to the Kennedy Administration secretly in the words:
"England is our 'lieutenant.' The fashionable word is 'partner'. The British only hear the fashionable
word. They persist with various illusions of partnership, but their role is to be our lieutenant in this."
By the way let us be familiar with the term "The United Kingdom". The "United
King-Dom" - First is "United" meaning "All One", then "King"
meaning "crown" or "head" and "Dome", which
is a term that expresses "Covering". So, broken down, we have a word which means "the ONE, at the TOP, and ALL COVERING". This is a very simple illustration that expresses the "idea"
under discussion. The term "United States" is also meaningful. It implies a similar connotation:
"ONE STATE". If we go a little further, we have the "United Nations"
what simply implies "ONE NATION". Similarly we may look for the word "Global"
or "International". They both mean the same thing.
There are a lot of new businesses and enterprises popping up having the common word "Global" in
them, and for a long time, there have been companies using the term "International". All the companies
with the label “International", placed together mean they are real ‘internationalists’.
So essentially the basic idea is to conserve and consolidate power as efficiently as possible. If there is a "plan",
like the masons want to put in one of "their men", a candidate for office can easily mobilize against
the whole opposition through control over media, intelligence agencies, and local and state authorities. If they want to get
rid of any persona non grata, or to get any piece of their "agenda" passed, they’ll have
members at the top level in the military or civilian circles also considered as patriots, and help them to carry out a plan
like blowing up a building, crashing a plane. At the same time, they would be able to coordinate all local and state agencies
to "varying degrees" and have them respond accordingly, in order to keep everything "covered-up".
In the same manner, they could use another Military connection to stage a shootout at a High School, and carry it out professionally,
so as to leave little trace of doubt as to any conspiracy. Though even common people knew who was behind the most shocking
air crash of C-130 killing of President of Pakistan, General Zia-ul-Haq and other top generals on August 17, 1988, it was
astonishing for them that nothing came out of various enquiries and investigation reports. Bombing of a pharmaceutical plant
in the Sudan sounds unbelievable like something out of a James Bond movie. Yet there is no denying the fact.
Seen in this perspective, the "New World Order" is actually a worldwide conspiracy of the highest
echelons which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members
of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government,
stripped of nationalistic and regional boundaries, that is totally obedient to their agenda. Their intention
is to affect complete and total control over every human being on the planet and to dramatically reduce the world's population
by less than five billion people. While the name New World Order is the term most frequently used today when referring
to this group, it's more useful and significant to identify the principal organizations, institutions, and individuals who
make up this vast interlocking spider web of elite conspirators.
The New World Order is a powerful & secret movement aiming to place the world under a global totalitarian
dictatorship called ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
This may sound like utopia but it is barely concealed imperialism & dictatorship.
Speaking of the networks and webs of influence, Ferguson proclaimed:
"There are legions of conspirators or say
the torchbearers of the New World Order in corporations, universities, hospitals, on the faculties of public schools, in factories,
in doctors' offices, in state and federal agencies, on city councils and the White House staff, in state organizations, in
virtually all arenas of policy making in the country (U.S.) [including] at the cabinet
level of the United States Government."
Among many critics of American foreign policy and New World Order, Noam Chomsky is one of America's
most prominent political dissidents. A renowned professor of linguistics at MIT, he has authored over 30 political books dissecting
such issues as U.S. interventionism in the developing world, international terrorism, the political economy of human rights,
the propaganda role of corporate media and New World Order. The main reason for his concern with U.S. foreign policy is that
he finds it horrifying and aspires to mitigate some of its most dangerous and destructive aspects by means of speaking, writing,
demonstrating, resisting, etc. He puts a simple question: "Whose World Order?" for he finds basic
conflicts which persist about fundamental values. They are about freedom, justice, human dignity and human rights in a world
of great inequality and great concentration of power. He finds in the doctrines of neo-liberalism or economic rationalism
or free market doctrine a good deal of deceit, hypocrisy and possibly outright fraud. He thinks that
“These days it's international terrorism, or the clash of civilization; tomorrow it will
be something new, but it's basically the same ones all the time.”
Commenting on the first President Bush, A Vatican journal, Il Sabato, writes that
"George Bush is the surly master of the world. He had a very concrete possibility of a just peace
and he chose war. Bush doesn't give a damn about the numerous peace deals issued by Pope John the Second, the proposal of
Gorbachev, others. He repeatedly re-imposed new conditions on Iraq to justify the war and the humiliation which were always
his unchanging objectives."
The fact that George Bush is the surly master of the world and that what
lies ahead of us is the rule of force, not peace and justice can be elucidated by the following account of Noam
"When a President comes into office he asks right away from the CIA and the Pentagon for a review
of world affairs and a National Security Review and we usually don't learn about it for thirty years or so unless someone
like Daniel Ellsberg comes around and expedites the process and this time apparently the Administration is proud of one section
of it and they leaked it. This section has to do with what are called "Third World Threats to the United States." And here's
what it says; it says in the case of conflicts with much weaker enemies it is not enough merely to defeat them, we must defeat
them rapidly and decisively. Anything else will be too embarrassing to us and will undercut political support. Now those are
the words of the surly master of the world, and they're interesting words."
The United States repeatedly defeats Security Council resolutions calling for diplomatic settlement. It has voted along
with Israel in the General Assembly to block the settlement virtually supported by the entire world. The U.S. position has
always opposed any form of political settlement that accepts the human rights and self-determination of the Palestinians,
and that in any way interferes with Israel's right to maintain military advantages in the Occupied Territories. United States
who has no sympathy, no concern at all for the Palestinians damns care for being alone in that position. The poor Palestinians
are human dust, nothing to offer the United States as they have no military force and no wealth, they have no position in
U.S. strategic planning.
For United States, even a much weaker enemy doesn't deserve negotiations but is to be forthwith pulverized. The purpose
of this aggressive attitude is to teach some lessons and there are three targets of peculiar lessons.
First of all, "the lesson to the Third World is", in the words of Noam
“don't raise your heads. We are the masters. You are the slaves. If you get out of line,
you don't get just defeated, but you get totally destroyed.”
Second message is to the rich countries of the world, and they are supposed to learn the lesson that the world
is to be ruled by force. We'll do it for you, but you better pay us for it. And the third lesson is directed to the domestic
population (which is invariably intimidated) and that is: (though)
“Malnutrition has increased. Federal money for education has declined. The Federal debt has zoomed
skyward. Real wages are continuing to decline and are now back to the level of about the late 1950s. The infrastructure is
collapsing. But you have to beware of huge monsters, Grenada, Libya, international terrorism, Panama, now Iraq." In short,
they are trained to respect the martial values.”
At home the population has to be constantly in fear, has to be cowering in terror, in fear of terrible enemies.
“The world has to be put on notice that the surly master will do what it wants. The intellectuals
have the responsibility to conceal all of this in beguiling rhetoric.”
It was so funny, so ludicrous when Grenada was presented before the American public as a monstrous and literally portrayed
as a threat to their existence.
"The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Moore, intoning away in somber sounds on the radio
about how, in the event of a Russian attack on Western Europe, Grenada would interdict the supply lines between the Caribbean
and Western Europe and without oil from the region our leaders would be lost. And it was reinforced and magnified. Sober scholars
were called upon by the media, to explain 'great stores of weapons found on Grenada' afterwards showing that we got there
in time before they were about to do something really serious."
The fact is that their propaganda machinery is so powerful and an edifice of lies is constructed so extensively
that the domestic people are almost dumbfounded. The Cuban paramilitary forces were attacked by 6000 elite U.S. troops who
incidentally got 8000 medals for their fighting the Cubans so bravely.
Iraq was smashed with continuous carpet bombing by to make sure there was nothing to be left except broken bones. There
was a huge disinformation effort. It was later on practically conceded that all those fanciful tales about tremendous fortifications,
hundreds of thousands of troops dug in a half a mile underground, artillery that can shoot all the way to who knows where,
chemical weapons, were all a farce. Now his son, the President Bush is dealing with international relations similarly in the
style of his father, who rallied a broad coalition to fight the Gulf War. Observers say the task facing the son is a similar
one: working from an initial base of close allies to construct an "inclusive" coalition that will
not end up in a ‘clash of civilizations’ but would only make things worse. Again when
the world is overwhelmingly opposed to the U.S./British insistence on going to war against Iraq, the United States has been
intent to make lame excuses like a wolf and teach Iraq a final lesson and remind the entire world once again that they are
the real guardians of the New World Order. So they wish to make it sure that the world is united against Saddam Hussain, and
that "Saddam Hussain is the most hated man in the world". Where cruelty and malice are in combination
with villainous power, nothing is so easy as for a superpower to find pretence to tyrannies, and exercise all manners of misdemeanor
and injustice.
This is one brief aspect of the story. There is a very long tale to be told, of social, cultural and economic exploitations
and persecutions which are liberally exerted to promote ‘New World Order’.
Let us pray for peace, justice, fraternity and proprieties to prevail in the world.