The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection
Runtime 52 minutes, click play to start
" .......history cannot be permanently falsified; the myth cannot stand up to the scrutiny of research; the sinister
web will be brought into the light and torn to pieces, however artfully it has been spun."
- Dr Jakob Ruchti - 1915
The above quote is arguably even more pertinent today than when first published almost a century ago.
On Friday 22nd July 2005, Ian Crane opened the Glastonbury Symposium with an analysis of the sinister geopolitical webs
that have been spun, resulting in the tragic events of 9/11 and 7/7.
Just two weeks after 7/7, Ian's research already indicated that the official version of the supposed 'terror' attacks in
London cannot stand up to the scrutiny of research.
The subsequent failed attacks on 21/7, the assassination of Jean-Charles Menezes the folowing day and the bombing at Sharm-El-Sheik
in Egypt on July 23rd raise even more painful and very disturbing questions.
This compilation of two live recordings (Glastonbury - 22nd July & Totnes - 30th August 2005) raises some very important
and disturbing questions and is a 'must see' for anyone who still holds the view that the events of 9/11 and 7/7 were perpetrated
by 'Muslim fanatics'.
Ian does not offer specific answers .......... but for those who truly value the concept of democracy, it is imperative
that they are aware of these extremely important but as yet unanswered questions