Where the Hell Is YOUR Proof?
TvNewsLIES Challenges
Believers of the Official Version of 9/11
Jesse, Editor - TvNewsLIES.org

October 24, 2005
To this
day, there has been no independent official inquiry into the attacks of September 11, 2001. The Kean Commission, with which
most Americans are familiar, was based on the Bush/PNAC version of events. It was charged with probing the breakdown of intelligence prior to the attacks and making suggestions
for improving communications among the competing agencies involved. The Commission, formed after more than a year of opposition
by the Bush administration, did not…repeat...did NOT…investigate or report about the causes of the attacks.
more important – to this day there has not been a single piece of evidence presented to the public that corroborates
the official government version of the most devastating attack in our history. Think about that. For more than four years,
scores of credible experts have challenged the explanations offered by the Bush administration, and yet not a shred of evidence
has been offered by the US government to support the official version of events they claim took place on that day.
more absurd is that fact that not a single official inquiry has attempted to respond to, discredit, or refute the questions
that have been raised. On the contrary, both the American government and the complicit media have dealt with the every single
challenge to the 9/11 explanations in two ways. They either totally ignore them or dismiss them out of hand as ridiculous conspiracy theories. Most of the well-researched
and revealing findings by independent investigators are unknown to the vast majority of Americans.
Time and time again, when I come across close-minded Bush supporters, I witness the effects
of an unexplainable phenomenon: a highly dangerous variation of HIV – a condition I call the Hypocrisy
& Illogic Virus. Strangely, the most severe symptoms of this condition seem to manifest
themselves during any and all discussions of the events of 9/11,
The disease is easily diagnosed by the appearance
of two disabling features: the need to approach all issues of national importance with an air of shameful hypocrisy, and the
absolute inability to use any form of logic during discussions of such matters
Collectively, people afflicted with
this disorder approach 9/11 as one person. They all blindly believe what they have been told by their government. They all
adamantly refuse to listen to any questions that have been raised about inconsistencies in the official version that simply
don’t make sense. And if they engage in any dispute about these discrepancies, their arguments are illogical to an extreme,
and they are simply unable to follow any rational argument to its conclusion.
The sad reality is that there is no
way to convince these brain-washed believers that there may be something more to the story of 9/11 than what they have been
told. That’s not too surprising, since most of these people still buy into the Bush/PNAC reasons for invading Iraq.
They blindly accept whatever they are told and close their minds tightly to any other information, no matter how factual.
They cannot be reached. There is simply no way. The disease is far too endemic to treat with any ordinary approach. They believe
as they do, and that’s all there is to it.
So, let’s turn the tables and put the burden of proof on them!!!
I believe that I, and every single person involved in the independent 9/11 research community must ask one question
of the people who still believe the official 9/11 story. We must demand that those who accept the Bush/PNAC explanation of
the events of that terrible day answer a single question:
You claim that the President and his handlers have told you the truth. You refuse to consider the information we show
you that punches huge holes into the official version. You refuse to check out the information for yourself. You tell us what
we have uncovered is false. Okay, we’ll buy that, we’ll concede that you’re right...and that all of us are
In fact, we’ll take it all back and admit the errors of our ways IF you do something first. Show
us YOUR proof. Tell us why we should believe the story you have swallowed, and show us what you have to back up your
claims! You’d better have something more than a borrowed smirk when you tell us we’re way out in left field. You
better be ready to answer just one simple question:
Where the Hell is YOUR proof, true believers? Where
the Hell is it?
I’m not sure why the independent research
community has not yet taken this approach. Why does the burden of proof always fall on the researchers when the evidence they
present is ignored? Why is it their burden to convince the non believers that there are legitimate questions about 9/11 that
remain unanswered and hard evidence that we’ve all been fooled, big time?
The facts about 9/11 that has been uncovered are dismissed by people who apply unbelievably skewed logic to their opposing argument. They believe a story when the
only proof they use to validate the story is the story itself. That’s it! All they know is what they have been
told. News reports, video, witnesses, whistle blowers, their own eyes and even common sense contradict their beliefs. Still,
these people continue to accuse the researchers of being either crazy or traitorous. What kind of convoluted reasoning has
infected such a large segment of the nation?
This is a battle for truth. It’s not a debate over conflicting
philosophies. It is a battle between those who are searching for facts and those who choose to deny that a search is necessary.
How long do those in blinders have to be engulfed in flames before they believe an independent researcher who warns them of
the increasing heat?
The level of denial and resistance can only be explained by understanding a very basic human
response: sometimes truth is too painful for people to deal with. In this case, the perpetrators of 9/11 understood that most
Americans could not permit themselves to consider the involvement of people within their own government in the dastardly attacks
of that day. They could never allow themselves to even consider such a possibility, even though people within the administration
had openly professed that just such an event would benefit their cause!
Those responsible for the tragedy clearly
understood this aspect of human psychology. That is why they can hide in plain sight without fear of discovery, regardless
of how much new evidence is uncovered, and regardless of how many legitimate questions are raised about their connection to
the attacks.
As a result, the only effective battle cry at this point must be: Where the Hell is YOUR proof?
take part in or observe countless discussions on 9/11; often in Internet forums. I read the posts and hear the responses of
thousands of people who have not spent five minutes looking at the four years of evidence that has been uncovered by independent
researchers. Amazingly, the same people feel fully qualified to dismiss new evidence with an insult or to present their own
un-researched, amateurish conclusions. They know nothing about any information that might have been revealed while their heads
were buried in the black hole of the mainstream media. But they constantly and vehemently insist that they do.
requiring a thimbleful of supportive evidence, these people continue to accept the official story of 9/11. That hypocrisy
simply has to end just as our silence in the presence of that hypocrisy has to end. And it has to end now.
The ball now must be thrown to the nay sayers, the folks in blinders who believe
everything they are told by the WH and its media mouthpieces. They must be held accountable for their unfounded beliefs by challenging them for convincing proof that we are wrong. There
is no room here for even a fraction of the challenges that should be made. Still, we have to start somewhere, so let’s
at least call for responses from the politically blinded to what follows:
In the late 1990’s members of the Project for a New American Century wrote a treatise in which they foresaw a strategic "transformation" of the U.S. military into an imperialistic force of global
domination that would require a huge increase in defense spending. "The process of transformation," the plan said, "is likely
to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor." The members
of this group, known as PNAC, were appointed to many high level positions in the new Bush administration. Only months after they came to power, the United States experienced a new Pearl Harbor. That has never been publicized or
explained as anything other than mere coincidence.
Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Al Qaeda actually planned and carried out the attacks of 9/11?
In 4 years I have not seen a single bit of proof that Al Qaeda was involved in those
events. I have seen some snap shots of Arab men at an airport. I was told a slew of things about these men. I was told that
the passport of one of the alleged hijackers miraculously floated to the surface of the rubble, unscathed by the heat that
had obliterated thousands. I was told way too much about these men for me to believe that the story was not prepared in advance.
Two days was not sufficient time for that kind of information to be uncovered and declassified by our government. Not only
did that reek of black ops, but to this day almost nothing of what we were told about he nineteen hijackers has been verified.
The tape of Osama bin Laden shown by the government raised questions about the actual identity of the man in the film. As
a matter of fact, I watched the so-called confession I with a person whose native is Arabic. He told me that the English translation
was misleading. While he rejoiced at their success, nowhere in the tape did Osama admit involvement in the attacks!
Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Dick Cheney was NOT conducting drills on 9/11 that paralyzed Air Force responses to the real attacks?
There is irrefutable evidence that Dick Cheney was running a completely separate chain of Command & Control via the
Secret Service on the morning of 9/11, assuring the paralysis of Air Force and its ability to intercept the hijacked planes.
The Secret Service has the technology to see the same radar screens the FAA sees in real time. They also have the legal authority
and technological capability to take supreme command in cases of national emergency. In fact, Dick Cheney was the acting Commander
in Chief on 9/11. When publicly asked about the exercises, that involved simulated attacks by hijacked planes against the
WTC, Cheney refused to comment, claiming the information was classified.
- Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Tower 7 collapsed as a result of the attacks?
I have not seen even a single computer model explanation as to how or why Building 7 collapsed in the exact same manner
as the two Towers that were hit by airplanes. As a matter of fact Building 7, which sustained no impact at all, was not mentioned
in the Kean Commission report at all. The FEMA report of the collapse remains inconclusive, unable to offer a reasonable explanation
for the collapse. Larry Silverstein, owner of the complex publicly claimed he gave permission for Tower 7 to be 'pulled,’
a fire department term for demolished. Demolition of such a building would have required weeks, if not months of preparation.
No explanation has ever been given for this baffling anomaly.
- Where the HELL is YOUR proof that 'put’ orders placed on the two Airlines involved in the attacks were mere
I have never seen the names of the people who placed those orders. I don’t know that their identities have been uncovered
of if they have been questioned. I have not seen anyone vindicated of any foreknowledge of 9/11 after making investments that
would only pay off if the specific airlines involved were to experience a drop in stock prices.
- Where the HELL is YOUR proof that Porter Goss knew nothing about $100,000 that was wired to Mohammed Atta?
I cannot fathom why the person who was sitting with Porter Goss (our current CIA Director) on the morning of 9/11, and
who had wired Mohammed Atta $100,000 just prior to the event, was never investigated. This could be the
smoking gun of smoking guns (if you believe that Atta was involved) that has been covered up from the start.
- Where the Hell is YOUR proof that Donald Rumsfeld did not organize an illegal military group that would "provoke
terrorist attacks which would then require '"counter-attack" by the United States?
Here’s what I know: In the Los Angeles Times, military analyst William Arkin described a secret army set up by Donald
Rumsfeld, similar to those run by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and which Congress outlawed. This "super-intelligence
support activity" was designed to bring together the "CIA and military covert action, information warfare, and deception".
According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld, the new organization was known as the Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group, or P2OG. It was formed to provoke terrorist attacks which would then require "counter-attack"
by the United States on countries "harboring the terrorists". Doesn’t that sound exactly like what happened
on 9/11?
That’s all I have room for, so I’ll sit back and wait for someone to send me some proof, assuming
that a single person out there knows where the Hell it is.
bottom line is simple: I have not seen anything at all that makes me believe the official story of 9/11, which, when considered
on its own merits, is so implausible as to be considered a bad joke. Anyone who reads David Ray Griffin’s book, The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions, needs to go no further than the first chapter before this becomes crystal clear. At that point it becomes very difficult
to decide whether to laugh at the ridiculous nature of the official story or to scream with disbelief that the American public
still buys into it.
So, once again, I ask the people who refuse to explore the findings of the independent research
community, - the only real investigation into the events of September 11th 2001 - where the Hell is YOUR proof?
those of you who will try to discredit and ridicule this article on forums or in calls to right wing radio, I say this: Research
the events of 9/11 in depth, come up with YOUR proof that the official version is credible, or just shut up!
You have
a helluva lot of research to do before you are qualified to intelligently debate the events of 9/11 with anyone who has spent
more than four years in the independent research effort. Don’t bother to cite official sources to back up your points,
since most of them have been debunked. Try to understand that you can not use the authors of the official version to support
their own validity. It’s a dumb tactic.
The researchers have done a great deal of valid work. They have been
trying to attract your attention so that you can examine it for yourself. They are not asking you to take their word for anything…they
just want you to look at and think about what has been uncovered. Do it for your own good, not theirs. Stop arguing against
their credibility until you have seen what they have seen, and until you know what they know. Do some homework, then come
and talk, but be prepared to show us where the Hell you found YOUR proof, and why we should believe you.
Once again,
keep in mind that THE KEAN COMMISSION DID NOT CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION INTO 9/11! It was not their assignment! They were tasked
with making recommendations to improve national security based on the official story. They were not asked to find out what
happened. They went in with an official account of the events, and were asked to make their recommendations based on what
the Bush/PNAC administration wanted the public to believe happened on that day.
Independent researchers are the only
people who have investigated the events of 9/11. They have uncovered and presented mountains of evidence that totally expose
the official account for what it is; a cover-up, nothing more.
If anyone takes the time to really examine that evidence
- and I repeat - evidence, he or she will find something very disturbing yet highly probable. The material that has been amassed
strongly suggests complicity in the events of 9/11 by rogue elements within American and foreign governments. But the evidence
does NOT point directly to a government conspiracy.
It does however, point to direct involvement by several key members of the Bush/PNAC administration, acting on their own, outside the rule of law, without participation in any mysterious governmental conspiracy. Their motives
have been clearly established and published by the culprits themselves and evidence of their involvement has been clearly
established by independent research.
There is nothing more to be said. The information is out there for the taking.
The books have been written, the speeches have been made, the documents have been posted, the documentaries have been produced
and the truth has been told. That is as far as anyone doing independent research can go. All that remains is for the believers
to respond.
So bring 'em on! Let’s see if those who swear to the lies they have been told can convince anyone,
even themselves that the official version of 9/11 explains to the nation and the world what really happened on that day.
where the Hell is YOUR proof, true believers? We’re all waiting to see.
Source: tvnewslies.org