vs. The Facts

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Lies & The Propaganda Of Fear

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VIDEO The Lies That Led To War

VIDEO Iraq, Tony & The Truth

The White House Criminal Conspiracy

6-PART VIDEO Frontline: Rumsfeld's War

6-PART VIDEO Frontline: The Torture Question

6-PART VIDEO Frontline: The Dark Side

VIDEO Dateline: Paul Moran Story - How The Rendon Group Spun the Iraq Propaganda for Chalabi's INC

"Fixed" Intelligence from Feith's "Gestapo Office"

Blood for Oil?

A CIA Cover Blown, A White House Exposed

More Damning than Downing Street

Pravda on the Potomac

Bombshell As Six More British Documents Leaked

The Memo Comes In From the Cold

The Other Bomb Drops

Galloway vs U.S. Senate: Video, Transcript & Background Info

WMD Commissions Report 2005


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September 11 News: Osama bin Laden Speeches

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The Lies That Led Us To Wage Wars

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Paul Moran Story
How The Rendon Group Spun The Iraq Propaganda For Chalabi's INC

Author: John Hoskings
Dateline, SBS, broadcast July 23, 2003

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Ages ago, I taught my children "never to point with a naked finger towards dressed people" and I usually keep that for myself as well but for this website I have to quote:
"The Emporer Has NO Clothes On!"

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