Therapists For Social Responsibility
Friends Meeting House
Sacramento, California
Corbyn Harney
The Hopi Elders
The Navajo Nation
From Radioactive Mines to Radioactive Weapons
Dr. Philippa Winkler
Professor Alim Jacoub, PhD
Dr. Jawad al-Ali, Oncologist
Dr. Jeneen Hassan, Pediatrician
Professor Souad al-Azawi PhD, Geoscientist
The Scientists, Doctors, and Citizens of Iraq
Marion Fulk
Manhattan Project and Livermore Nuclear Weapons Program
Dr. Siegwart-Horst Guenther
Scientist and Professor of Infectious Diseases
Nilofer Bhagwat, Professor, Mumbai University,
Vice President, Indian Lawyers Association
Judge, International Criminal
Tribunal for Afghanistan
Professor Akira Maeda
Tokyo Zokei University, Japan
Haruhisa Takase, Secretary General
International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan
Dr. Ernest Sternglass, Radiation and Public Health Project
"Secret Fallout: Low-Level Radiation From Hiroshima To Three-Mile
"The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors"
Dr. Chris Busby and Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
Dr. Janette Sherman
"Life's Delicate Balance: Causes and Prevention of Breast Cancer"
Major Doug Rokke, PhD
Director, US Army Depleted Uranium Cleanup Team, 1991
Master Sergeant Dennis Kyne, Gulf War Veteran, 1991
Support The Truth
T. Dennie Williams, Journalist
The Hartford Courant
Thais Mazur, Author
"Warrior Mothers: Stories to Awaken the Flames of the Heart"
Leon Smith and Nathan Diebenow
The Lone Star Iconoclast, Crawford, Texas
"Depleted Uranium," May 11, 2005
Martin Meissonier
"Invisible War: Depleted Uranium and the Politics of Radiation"
Yumi Kikuchi and Gen Morita
Japanese Activists and Healers
Akira Tashiro, Journalist
Chugoku Shimbun, Hiroshima, Japan
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Radiation Specialist
"No Immediate Danger"
"Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War"
Takashi Morizumi, Photojournalist
A Different Nuclear War: Children of the Gulf War
Come Carpentier, Editor
World Affairs, The Journal of International Issues
Dr. Joel Andreas and Frank Dorrel
Addicted to War: Why the US Can't Kick Militarism
Beyond Treason
Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret, Dennis Kyne
Hitoni Kamanaka
"Hibakusha" video
World Depleted Uranium Weapons Conference
Radiation and Public Health Project
International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan
Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat,
Father of the Indian Submarine
Retired Senior Staff, Indian Navy, 1998
Major General Vinod Saighal
Retired Director, General Military Training, Indian Army, 1995
Dr. Beatrice Boctor
GI Rights Hotline

Online Video Credits
Produced for Media Edge by Rooster Productions and Art101, in association with We The Media.
Randy VanDalsen
Andy Markley
Mary Brassell
Stephen Kolb
Chuck Wild
Jamie Sams
John York
Will Colliver