
The Weight Of Demons

Indictment & Impeachment

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For additional information see also the sections "9/11 - 3/11 - 7/7 -- Qui Bono?", "New World Order", "Lies vs. Factsand

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Impeachment As an Act of Patriotism

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San Diego Hopes 9/11 Grand Jury Indictments Might Some Day Be Made

San Diegos Citizens Grand Jury Investigation Into The Events And Crimes Of September 11, 2001


A New Year's Message from Ramsey Clark

LA Citizens Grand Jury Condemns US Government Roll In 911 And Subsequent Coverup

Los Angeles Citizens Grand Jury Findings of Fact: August 27, 2005 On the Attacks of September 11, 2001

President George W. Bush Is Now Impeachable

Impeach Bush & Cheney! Veterans For Peace: A Call For Impeachment

Gutless Politicians Still Won't Answer 9/11 Questions; Truth Rally Calls For Treason And Murder Indictments Against Bush And Cheney

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Amnesty International USA: Take Action!


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Benjamin B. Ferencz: Law. Not War.

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Very Pissed Off Combat Veterans -- And Blueprints For Change By John McCarthy

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- Indictment & Impeachment -

Home | John McCarthy | CIA | Treason in Wartime | 1941-2001 | Science vs Religion | Reality Or Hoax? | Israel & ME | 9/11 - 3/11 - 7/7 -- Cui Bono? | New World Order | Lies vs Facts | War on Terror - Terrorism of War | Patriotism vs Humanity | War Crimes - Committed 'In All Our Names' | Enviroment & Lobbyism | FOIA & Whistleblowers vs Cover-Ups | Recruiting Lies vs Military Reality | From Democracy to Dictatorship | Empire Agenda | Media Coverage | International (War)Crimes Tribunals | Take Action! - Take Back America! | Summaries & Previews | Index Part 1 | Index Part 2 | Multimedia Index

San Diegos Citizens Grand Jury Investigation Into The Events And Crimes Of September 11, 2001

San Diegans for 9/11 Truth (guests of Amnesty International SDSU Student Group) have conducted a Citizens Grand Jury investigation into the events and crimes of September 11, 2001.

On Saturday, April 14th, 2007 at 12pm, grand jurors and the public have assembled in the Aztec Center Council Chambers at San Diego State University to hear testimony from 9/11 researchers, authors and experts.

Case was presented by

Don Paul and Jim Hoffman,
coauthors of The 9/11 Crimes in New York City: Waking Up from Our Nightmare.

Expert witnesses included

Richard Gage,
AIA, Architect and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (www.ae911truth.org)

Video Evidence by

Steven Jones,
Physicist and retired professor from BYU

Kevin Ryan,
Engineer formerly of Underwriters Lab (UL)

The public was welcome to attend.

The common-law grand jury of 23 citizens will review the evidence on Saturday and the grand jury's findings will be announced the following week.

Mike Copass,
Coordinator San_Diego_CGJ@yahoo.com

Listen to audio tapes of the investigation:
- thanks to Radio Active San Diego (RASD)

Session Number 1

Introduction by Jesus Nieto
12:00-1:00  The Three Buildings that Fell
  1:00-2:00  The Airliners, their Flights and their Impacts
Part One: Click Here (1:27:49)
Part Two: Click Here (56:10)

Session Number 2

  3:00-3:30  The Fires
  3:30-5:00  How the Buildings Fell: Explosion & Implosions

Part Three: Click Here (1:52:09)

Session Number 3

  6:00-7:00  Cover Up?
  7:00-8:00  Who and What Should be Indicted?

Part Four: Click Here (2:01:45)

  8:00-9:30  Juror's Deliberations and Findings

The Juror's Deliberations and Findings will be presented in a few days and we will post them as soon as they are available.

Stay tuned! 

Interviews with Mike Copass

Radio Active San Diego (RASD) has done an  interview with Mike Copass regarding the upcoming event, it provides interesting background information on the Citizens Grand Jury

To listen to the interview Click here (1:36:00)

The Citizen's Advocate's Leticia Martinez was on the ground and got the following interview:

Interview with Organizer Mike Copas
  wmlo          wmhi

Google Video of Part of the Event
(technical problems caused a loss of one tape - please enjoy what we have for you)


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Ages ago, I taught my children "never to point with a naked finger towards dressed people" and I usually keep that for myself as well but for this website I have to quote:
"The Emporer Has NO Clothes On!"

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